Jurnal Rekayasa Vol 6 No 2 Artikel 02
(Staf pengajar Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember)
ABSTRACT: The discrete Fourier transform plays an important role in the analysis, the design, and the implementation of digital signal processing algoritms and systems. One of the reasons that Fourier analysis is of such wide-rangin importance in digital signal processing is because of the existence of efficient algoritms for computing the discrete Fourier transform. This representation was based on the relationship between finite-length and periodic sequances. Specfically, with a periodic sequence constructed for which each period is indentical to finite-length sequence, the discrete Fourier transform of the finite-length sequence corresponds to the discrete Fourier series of periodic sequence. By using design with computer, computation is most effective about the perform graph of simulation in the analysis. The signal sequare, triangle, saw tooth and sinus as input are processed through signals discrete in the form simulation in computer
Keywords: discrete Fourier transform, digital signal processing