Jurnal Rekayasa Vol 5 No 1 Artikel 02
(Staf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Mesin Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Yogyakarta. E-mail : wartono_sttnas@yahoo.com)
ABSTRACT: A machining process using a turning machine is expected to produce the material with a high accuracy and precision in every condition of the optimum cutting process (a high efficiency of machining process). It can be done, if there is a good planning in the process. Besides, an operator has important role in deciding the value of voeding motion exactly in each cutting condition. This research is to know the efficiency of machining process as much as possible, with a good produced. So, we organize the accurate voeding motion.
Keywords : Turning process of a machine, voeding motion, an efficiency of machining process.