Jurnal Rekayasa Vol 2 No 1 Artikel 7
Gusfan Halik
(Staff Pengajar Jurusan Sipil, Program Studi Teknik, Universitas Jember)
The area of Harjomulyo village, at Silo Sub District in Jember Regency is one of the region which exploit ground water to fulfill the domestic requirement regularly. However, in the field we could found a lot of dig wells which has no water. This phenomenon was caused by excavating which is not penetrate aquifer layer, the area that contains water. So it is needed to conduct initial research to find area that has ground water potential to minimize drilling well speculative area. Based on assessment that using geo electric wenner configuration method in eight point samples, it is known that in GL-01 and GL-04 point samples have a lot of ground water. So it can be conducted exploitation ground water in those area to fulfill domestic people requirement.
Key Words: Ground water, Geo electric Configuration Wenner