Ririn Endah Badriani
(Staf pengajar Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember)
ABSTRACT: High concentration of iron in water can cause aesthetic problems and unpleasant taste if the water is drunk. One of the methods used to remove iron is aeration. The objectives of this research is to get dimension of modification of tray aerator and sedimentation basin scale housing, so this is expected that output water already appropriate with the standard of water quality, it’s pursuant to decree of Health Minister, No 907/KEPMEN/2002. The result showed that for the reduce the iron of ground water at 5 mg/l, initialDO 3,5 mg/l and flowrate 0,18l/s is required dimensions aerator: perforated pipe with diameter 2 cm,length 53 cm, 100 orifice,orifice diameter 2mm, the distance between holes 5 mm. Sedimentation basin dimensions 200 cm x 50 cm, free board 11,3 cm.
Keywords : iron removal, aeration, sedimentation