(Staf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember}
ABSTRACT: Capacitance tranducer are the other component used in wide variety of measurement for humidty. A capacitor operates by supporting an electrical field between two metal plate and dielectric constant is property of the insulator material used for the variable dielectric of air and water. The space gap plate capacitor is partially immersed in steam, so the dielectric is partially air and partially steam. Thus, the capacitance will be somewhere between that for an all air and that for an all steam dielectric. The method will work satisfactorily in situations with difference in posision and it added air with the blower. If the blower will to increase speed then the capacitance tranducer is increasingly value capacitance and the frequency will on a descending value. With the PICBasic compalier and the 16F54, we are restriced tu using the pot command on port A pins 0nly, It just so happens that RA3 of the port A pins is a schmitt trigger input when configured as an external interrupt. The Instrument and value capacitors can be used to calibration from value capacitance with maximum error 6,7% and average error 1,306%
Keywords: variable dielectric, capacitance, Schmitt trigger