Jurnal Rekayasa Vol 5 No 2 Artikel 10
Satryo Budi Utomo
(Staf pengajar jurusan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember)
ABSTRACT: Now, communication of technology is growing, light is one of all media communication the best, because it have high speed to transfer data, and low noise. This paper explain to design control speed motor DC with light for transfer data from transmitter to receiver. The Transmitter system consist of Microcontroller AT 89C51 is center of controller system,Swicths, ADC (Analog to Digital Converter) , DAC (Digital to Analog Conveter) are support component controller system. The receiver system consist of Fotodioda ( light of intensity sensor ), ADC ( Analog to Digital Converter ), PWM (pulse Width Modulation) circuit.
Keywords :Microcontroller AT 89C51, Light, PWM