Jurnal Rekayasa Vol 5 No 1 Artikel 06
Yuni Hermawan
(Staf Pengajar Jurusan Teknik Mesin, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Jember. Email: yunikaka@yahoo.co.id)
ABSTRACT: In science of measurement, an error is defined as difference result of measurement and the real value of the measurand. Actually, this real value is never precisely identified; consequently, the error is unknowns as well. In this case, the error can only be estimated without knowing its real quantity. If a value will be considered as an estimated error, this value should be taken as an uncertainty. Uncertainty of Micrometer determined with Type A and Type B evaluation, then the combined standard uncertainty is determined. Micrometer that calibrated with Gauge Block class 1, the maximum uncertainty is ± 1.8929 μm in dimension of 20.2 mm, with 95% confidence level.
Keywords: Uncertainty in Measurement, Micrometer